Sunday, November 22, 2015

I wrote a poem

I wrote a poem. Not shocking, I love writing, I love poetry.  When I fell in love with B for the first time a million years ago I learned how to write poetry.  It was my way to process love and loss and high school and my parents divorce and eventually break-ups and rape and family issues. I learned how to process what was in my heart using the most beautiful words I could find. I learned that sometimes very ugly things can be understood in language and rhyme schemes and specific verse format. I learned to take words that weren't verbs and make them gerunds. I learned that tear stained pages were a good first draft of anything.  I learned that sitting in a classroom reading what amounted to my journal was brutal and hard and exhilarating.  I learned that I have a voice, it's funny and sarcastic and bittersweet and from what I've heard, relatable. I learned that words are my thing. I love them, I love turning a phase in a new and interesting way. 

What's been interesting to me the past few months is that I haven't been able to write about the breakup. I have written about my parents, I've written about feather mandalas, about crabapple trees and my grandmother but I hadn't been able to write about him, until recently that is. I thought I was feeling better, days will go by-ok hours, without thinking of B.  And then it hits me again, he's gone and I reach for my pen and my pink leather hand made poetry journal.  In writing so much anger comes out, so much hurt that I'm left breathless and weak.  But the only thing I know to do is to keep reaching for my pen and paper.  That's another odd thing. I always write my blog on the Mac, but with poetry I always have to use a pen and paper, it's a mental block for me, I have to have that physical connection to the pen for it to feel true to me.  I can feel things getting better, this whole feeling the feelings BS thing is kinda for the birds, but it works. It's also not for the faint of heart, it takes guts and moxie to own how you feel.  For example today was not a great day, Sunday's never are for me (note to self, work on loving Sundays) so today I have had moose tracks ice cream, powdered donuts and oatmeal-essentially I’m going with healthy today, hitting all the food groups. I talked to my therapist and sometimes this happens, old coping skills come back up and seem to be the only way to deal, and today that was my day. I needed an old coping mechanism.  And now I'm deciding to go with the new coping mechanism so I wrote a poem.

I write because I have to. I've heard writers say that for years and I never understood that until now. I write not because I want people to hear me, I write because I want to understand.  That's something I've heard from other writers too, they want to understand.  We want to understand our world and our place in the world.  We want to understand our hearts and how they work and if something that we've discovered helps someone else then it's a wonderful thing but if not then maybe I understand something new.  And isn't that what our journey through all the stars is about, learning and understanding something new? Or maybe that's just the perspective of a poet and a dreamer.

I wrote a poem today.

Monday, November 16, 2015

But Why???

It's been an interesting year, no this isn't the year in review that I'm currently plotting, but just a comment on how far I've come in just a short year.  What I’m proud of right now is that I can admit I've signed up for too much. A couple weeks ago I talked about participating in NANOWRIMO.  Yea, that ship sailed for me.  I haven't had a chance to write lately and have missed several days, ok-a week.  That puts me behind by about 14,000 words.  Not insurmountable but if I’m honest about my calendar the next few weeks, I don't want to take the time to make up the words. I'm making a choice to not finish. I’m taking time to do what I need to do for me.  I have lots of things going on that I'm going to choose right now.  I'm not quitting my writing, I think I have a great start to something. But for right now I am choosing to quit this crazy challenge and refocus on me. And frankly I miss poetry. 

What am I focusing on instead? Thanks for asking. I have hired a trainer and she's set some aggressive goals with me, that makes me want to get back to the gym, to sweating and lifting heavy things.  I started with Laura last Thursday and I figured out something by Friday morning. I am stubborn and want to finish all the sets and I don't speak up enough.  I could barely walk by Saturday from six sets of squats and three sets of lunges.  Yesterday my triceps started screeching at me and I'm still sore, it's not quite that I can't straighten my arms but I'm very aware of the muscles in my arms.  My trainer is out of town until Sunday so it’s up to me to make sure that I honor my commitment this week for myself.  So this week I am going to lift weights three times and get three days of cardio in.  I'm envious of people who can work out in the mornings, that is so not me at all. I have had people beg me to stop working out in the mornings because I tend to stay cranky all day.   

I'm excited to get back in the swing again, I have a few weddings coming up next year and I have a picture of how I'd like to look, I know how I'd like to feel and that's most important. I'm not doing this for anyone but me.  I went to see Jillian Michaels speaking last year and she said something that stuck with me, she said you need to figure out YOUR why.  Not the great honorable I'd like to be healthy or live a long life. Those things are far too soft, they are too theoretical.  Your why needs to be tangible or even somewhat shallow.  You have a reunion coming up and want to look good, you have a party or your daughter is getting married. Thankfully I don't have a reunion for a while but there are some holiday parties coming up and, so far, 2 weddings next year.  I'd really like to have something that's not my normal wedding gear to wear.  I'd like a blue dress or maybe a red one.  What makes me smile in all this is that I'm not doing this to meet a man or please anyone else.  I'm doing this for me and no one else.

So if you want to make a change, if you want to do something different is there a tangible reason to make the change? Is there something, no matter how shallow, that will inspire you to make a change? Are you tired of wearing all black? Are you tired of not being able to wear knee high boots? Would you like to be able to take the stairs and not worry about breathing heavy? Do you want to wear a swimsuit? Do you want to be able to go sleeveless? Do you have an event with an ex and want to make them eat their heart out? Do you want to fit into that dress for that thing? You have to have the compelling reason and being healthy sometimes just isn't enough.

What's YOUR why?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Apologies, Dating and Gwen Stefani

I’m starting to feel like part of me owes B an apology.  I have said, more than once, at some point over the last 2 months that I was sorry I ever loved him. That's not true. I will never be sorry for giving myself to someone wholly and completely. I don't operate in halves. I don't love by half either and my hope with getting through this is that I never will, that my heart will always stay open.

Right now there is a song out by Gwen Stefani that hits home with me to my core, it is an amazing song. The lines that ring with me right now are:
I don't know why I cry
But I think it's cause I remembered for the first time
Since I hated you
That I used to love you

I'm not at the point that I used to love him, I still do love him but it gets smaller and smaller every day. I’m learning how to let that go.  I'm happy to have gotten the chance to love, I'm still sad, I'm still so hurt but maybe some anger is dissipating, maybe I'm opening up myself to something, to someone more.  Someone more my equal, someone who can get me, someone who can really love me, someone brave enough to love me back for who I am.  Well, once I figure out who I am exactly.

Thinking in this direction will lead, inevitably, to my dating again at some point. I'm starting to hear about wonderful dating stories (only slight sarcasm there). I was at dinner a few weeks ago with my friend Kevin.  He is amazing and so funny. We were talking about dating-not each other mind you (our tastes in men is similar though) and he told a wonderful story about going out to dinner with a gentleman suitor.  This particular evening Kevin was happy to be out with a friend. They had been trying for some time to make plans.  It was a nice dinner and Kevin didn't think twice about it.  Later, from a mutual friend he realized he was on a date-he didn't know that at the time. Other than making me laugh, this got me thinking about dating in the world of swiping and subtlety. 

Honestly I am torn about the idea of eventually dating like that again. My personal hope is that I can post my own dating profile on Facebook and my blog and you guys can go find Mr Wonderful for me.  But today I'm feeling a little different. Today I want to go have wine with someone I don’t intend to build a relationship with but someone I can laugh with a little and maybe trade a few lies.  I want to be reckless and bold and reclaim parts of myself just for me. I want to kiss someone in my elevator and go back to the old days of playing baseball. I don't want forever I just want right now.  I want the last person I kissed to not have been B.  He doesn't deserve that.

And this leads to another fun thought that Kevin and I discussed.  With B leaving, I get to have first kisses again, those awkward, funny, uncomfortable, magical moments when we decide we like someone.  Or that someone is suitable for right now.  I've been writing a lot of poetry lately about grieving and breakups and what to do and not do when faced with this situation and there are no right and wrong answers. Every decision is based, for me, on what will I not regret in six months.

But for now, for this minute I am going to remember that I loved him, he loved me and I'm lucky that I can feel those things.  Someday I will find someone else who will appreciate me and my love and will deserve what I have to give.  I end one of my poems: Not everyone can love enough to be pulled apart at the leaving.  That's where I'm trying to find gratitude, I can love that much, that I can be pulled apart when I'm left.

And unlike Kevin, I hope that when I'm on a date I know it! And at the very least I will have a few good stories and some laughs. 

If you want to listen to the Gwen Stefani song the link is here:

Sunday, November 1, 2015


That's one of those words (is it a word?) that rolls around in your mouth.  What is NANOWRIMO?  Well, once  a year a bunch of writers get together and decide to challenge themselves to write a 50,000 word novel during the month.  So NANOWRIMO is National Novel Writer's Month.  I've done this a few times in the past, actually completed it twice.  I haven't ever re-read the things I've written, but I have finished.

I decided that this year would be another good year to try.  If you break it down, it's 1667 words a day for the full month to hit 50,000 by November 30. Having Thanksgiving towards the end helps too, extra time to get the word counts in and up to where they need to be.  I've spent so much time lately in poetry and in condensing words and picking the exact right one that somehow an exercise in telling a 375 page story is a bit daunting (last time was 377 pages).  I've grown accustomed to cutting words down and trying to tell the story in short bursts.  This daunting task of all these words available to me seems terrifying, not a luxury.  With poetry you have to be very specific, every word is weighed and measured and selected or rejected carefully based on sounds and emotions and how it fits with line breaks, there is a science to this art.  But NANOWRIMO challenges us to just put fingers to keys and type, type it all out, just keep typing.

I find myself telling the story of B but just as an introduction. The idea I had was to tell the story of how I've been working through the break up. I am currently working on a poem called "Lessons in Being Left" and it offers handy and slightly snarky comments on how to survive a breakup.  Each stanza lends its self to a chapter, for example the title for chapter 1 becomes:
Stop listening to the radio
he is not every song, although
it feels like it was all written
for you,  maybe switch genres
to Old Time Rock and Roll or NPR?
And then I am planning to tell pithy funny stories about crying on the way to work because of Norah Jones or Adele or mabye how listening to Jim Gaffigan riff on bacon is the antidote to tears.

I'm curious to see what comes of this month of writing, I'm hopeful that my construct works, that I can find the words and the path in this to find something new, something worth sharing at some point.  Some of my friends, my cheering section, have challenged me to actually go reread whatever I write. That's terrifying to me, a lot of what will go on paper is free writing, there will be paragraphs about how I hate writing or lists of things I need to get done in the day.  Some of it will be embarrassing and childish but the important thing at the end of the day is that I will get to 50,000 words.

It's odd to talk about this out loud as it were.  I am setting myself up for questions and comments and I've just made myself publically accountable for actually doing this, I'm opening myself up yet again and it feels oddly right.  If you are a closet writer and want to check this out, I am always available for questions or you can check out

Write on!