Sunday, June 28, 2015

Once Upon a Time...

I have to admit sharing this journey has been overwhelming.  I have had total support and love. I have had shock and surprise.  I have had a few people accuse me of sensationalizing my story and enjoying it too much.  The last one is the most hurtful and frankly to me it's the most surprising.  I have hoped that by sharing what I'm going through people who need help will see that there are resources available and that even the people among us who seem the happiest may need help now and again. 

To the haters or anyone who thinks that I'm sensationalizing my life.  Awesome, please keep thinking that.  That sentiment says more about you than about me.  Perhaps there is something in your life that needs examining.  I will stop thinking about it, I will stop feeling bad because it's not about me anymore.   Criticism is never easy to take which I why I haven't really shared much of my creative writing, I've been a poet since I was 16 and am considering submitting something for publishing but the thought of criticism is terrifying.  But that's a story I tell myself, that someone will criticize me.

In life there are choices we make that determine our futures and tell us how best to remove ourselves from our past.  In storytelling there is a psychological connection we make.  According to Psychology Today stories are about collaboration and connection and engage us through passion, sadness, joy and hardship.  Stories are how we think, it's how we make meaning and how we make decisions.  So in my story telling I'm processing the mental hurdles of dealing with depression and how to still function in life.  I'm trying to connect all the dots that make me who I am.  I'm trying to figure out what stories are true and what stories are invented.

How do you talk to yourself? What stories do you tell that are fiction? What movies run in your head when you are scared? How do you justify your existence in your head? What do you do to make sense of your days?

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