I went to see
Psychic Andy (andymyersonline.com) a few weeks ago for a one on one session and
among other things, he referred to me as a radio antennae. Let me explain; he said that whatever I put
out there I will get back and then some.
I have to be careful of the thoughts that I put out in the world because
I shape my own world and being intuitive I manifest my world very specifically
and much easier than most. He asked me
if I've ever not gotten something I've really wanted. Um, no-generally things work out for me.
Sometimes not in the way I'd originally planned, but I don't have many regrets
and there is virtually nothing I wish would have worked out differently.
Last year at this
time I was planning for a move to KC or for having someone I love move in with
me, I certainly didn't think I'd be single again. But as I look back at my
relationship with some perspective and not reeling from broken heartedness and
rage I can see that B was never going to be enough for me. I talked to a few people we know in common
who wondered what I was doing with him, wondering what I'd seen in him to start
with. It goes back to what Psychic Andy
said months ago, I don't have to be the mother, life coach and financier in my
relationships. If I'm totally, brutally
honest (and when am I not) I didn't get much back from him. I thought I wanted
him forever and ever amen, but looking at what I really want in a partner and
husband it isn't someone I have to take care of. From this I'll get closure and an open heart
for the, so far uncast, Mr Wonderful. So
if I was manifesting what I really want in a partner, it makes sense that B and
I broke up, he wasn't what I really wanted.
He was a last gasp into who I was, not who I want to be. It's taken me these six months of crying,
honesty, sleepless nights, talking, writing, more crying and more talking to
realize that I don't have to settle for someone who didn't feel like enough. I
shouldn't like someone who liked me first, I shouldn't have to work at liking
someone back. It's ok to say no thank
Since talking to
Andy I've been bombarded by opportunities to learn about the Law of Attraction
and how our personal vibrations bring us the things we seek, both the positive
things and the negative things. I've been
thinking about this a lot in the past two weeks. I want to get specific for what I'm looking
for and who I'm looking for. Right now
my list for Mr Wonderful has four things: 1. Financially Independent and Secure
2. Tall 3. Funny and 4. I'd like someone who wears a suit to work-I've never
had that before…seems like it may be fun.
This is only one of the lists, I'm working on a vision board for what I
want my full life to look like but as things work with the Law, it's not how
you get there-that's trust. It's all about being very clear about what I do
want my life to look like, about finding things that resonate with me and then
acting as if they are already mine. Again I'm trying to be very thoughtful with
this and very specific on what I want.
Part of this, for me, is introducing a few mantras (they come in handy
when I’m running and I get bored which is always) like I'm a rockstar poet and
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the abundance in my life.
The critic who lives
in my head (who's voice shall remain uncredited) is totally rolling their eyes,
they think this is all crap. And that's fine. As I continue to explore this
idea part of the overall goal is to get rid of the critic, get rid of the person
sending the negative vibes out there to begin with. All of the can'ts, won'ts, shouldn'ts and I
told you so's in my life, this voice needs to be quieted and only I can do
Only I can do
that…so what are you trying to attract? How are you trying to attract it?