Monday, August 11, 2014

Robin Williams and Depression

I can't ever say I know what he went through, I can't ever imagine the dark corners in his mind and heart, I can say that I understand sometimes, in the dark of night how suicide seems like the only logical answer, the only way out of the pain.  There is no tomorrow, no hope, no sun only pain.  This isn't the blues, this isn't a bad day, this is a debilitating devastating illness that makes even getting out of bed too much to bear. The balance in your checking account doesn't matter, having someone to love you doesn't matter, nothing matters but the pain. 

I've seen, thank god, nothing but sadness and shock over Robin Williams passing, and I'm there with the millions who mourn this amazing artist.  But what about the 7th grader who is bullied until he sees no other way out? Or the chubby 10th grade girl who is called names over and over until she finds a final escape?  What about the thirty something man who cannot battle his demons anymore?  

I was lucky when I found myself down at the bottom of that hole. As dark as it got, as hurt as I was, as tired of being alive as I was I couldn't do that to my friends and family.  Sometimes, at 2am that's all you have to hold on to.  Until you can find the strength to completely expose your weakness and beg for help. I was lucky, I had people around me who heard me, who were there to help me back to the light.

If you are in pain, if you feel alone, if you are trapped in that hole you are not alone. There are wonderful professionals who are waiting to lean in with a light and help you find sunshine again.  Tell the people you love, be strong enough to ask for help. 

Some resources to consider.

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